Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and discovering your path to a better quality of life. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from Heidi Bartolotta and many other Moms all over the world as they share their struggles and how they overcame them to achieve extraordinary success on their own terms. Listen to these real women as they share their real stories that provide you real inspiration for your own journey to success. At Moms Making Six Figures, we help guide and mentor women on building and advancing their own businesses. Let us assure you that (1) there is no limit to your earning potential and (2) you can build your business or career at the pace you choose, steadily or rapidly. We are here cheering you on!
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
You Aren't Failing If You haven't Thrown in the Towel with Elma Dzanic
In this episode, I interview Elma Dzanic —owner of Fina Beauty and Nail Educator, mother of two, and wife to an overly supportive husband ;) —about her journey as a business owner. Elma navigated the detour of the unplanned arrival of her firstborn, while starting a business and building a home with undeniable strength and an unwillingness to throw in the towel. And through it all, learned that by putting her children first, she is building a business that allows her to have the best of both worlds (with a healthy acknowledgement of all the help and support it takes from her village).
Listen to our interview, of being present in each season of entrepreneurship and motherhood—of grounding yourself in the moment rather than longing for the next, of asking advice from those who have gone before you, and of saying yes to opportunities when they present themselves rather than waiting for the “perfect time”. Elma’s vulnerability will inspire you to stay the course and to reflect on your own perceived failures as merely detours in your journey.
Get to know more about Elma, her business, and her education and training programs by following her personal and professional accounts.
Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elmadzanic/
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elma.hadzic.583
Professional Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/finabeautyco/
Professional Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/finabeautynailsco
Professional Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/finabeautyhair/