Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and discovering your path to a better quality of life. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from Heidi Bartolotta and many other Moms all over the world as they share their struggles and how they overcame them to achieve extraordinary success on their own terms. Listen to these real women as they share their real stories that provide you real inspiration for your own journey to success. At Moms Making Six Figures, we help guide and mentor women on building and advancing their own businesses. Let us assure you that (1) there is no limit to your earning potential and (2) you can build your business or career at the pace you choose, steadily or rapidly. We are here cheering you on!
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Generosity: Modeling Giving with a Joyful Heart
In this episode, I continue my conversation on the topic of generosity with five additional guest speakers of the Generosity 2.0 Conference, created and hosted by my dear friend and former guest, Christina Moore Ward. In this second panel of our two-part series on generosity, five of the nation’s top producing Realtors share the significant impact generosity and giving has made on their approach to their business, but also how it has shaped their families and their communities.
Listen to our panel interview, modeling the spirit of giving with a joyful heart for your children, your business, and your community—of developing the discipline to give so that it becomes ingrained in your daily rhythm and reflects your purpose. Panelists, Ruthy Taylor,
Laura Berns, Kristie Smith, Kristin Francis, and Megan Jumago-Simpson share the incredible ways generosity shifts your approach to everything you do—moving you from a scarcity to an abundance mindset, establishing daily motivation and purpose beyond yourself, and having a heart for the needs of those around you.
Tune in for a first-hand look at the importance of setting a goal around giving, of finding organizations that align with your life’s work, and establishing a ripple effect of investing in the needs of your community.