Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and discovering your path to a better quality of life. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from Heidi Bartolotta and many other Moms all over the world as they share their struggles and how they overcame them to achieve extraordinary success on their own terms. Listen to these real women as they share their real stories that provide you real inspiration for your own journey to success. At Moms Making Six Figures, we help guide and mentor women on building and advancing their own businesses. Let us assure you that (1) there is no limit to your earning potential and (2) you can build your business or career at the pace you choose, steadily or rapidly. We are here cheering you on!
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Let Go to Grow with Heather Bifulco
In this episode I interview my new friend and organizational goddess, Heather Bifulco, the founder of
Tidy Style who became a business owner out of a need to find a career that worked around her most
important title—Mom. With an already established and thriving career in Marketing and Advertising,
Heather quickly realized that the frantic pace and lifestyle she and her husband had developed in their
careers was simply unsustainable once they had their first child. A reluctantly self-proclaimed control
freak, Heather channeled her need to be busy into creative outlets while staying at home with her first
child. Shortly after she channeled her time and energy into raising two children under two; when she
found the time freedom to return to the workforce, she realized she was looking for a career that didn’t
exist. So, she created it. Through Tidy Style, Heather has created a career that provides other mothers
with the same opportunities she was seeking –flexibility, fulfillment, and an opportunity to be
intentional and present in your work life and home life.
Listen to our interview, of the importance of your children seeing you show up for yourself –with pride
and confidence—of allowing them to see the hard work and struggle required to achieve your goals, of
being intentional and fully present in whatever moment you’re in. If you’ve ever had the nudge to be an
entrepreneur but never thought you could take on the associated risks, Heather proves that there are
different approaches to starting your own business that are both successful and that reflect your
personality. This episode will leave you with valuable insight on how to launch and grow a successful
business that allows you to find your niche and pay it forward to others.