Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and discovering your path to a better quality of life. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from Heidi Bartolotta and many other Moms all over the world as they share their struggles and how they overcame them to achieve extraordinary success on their own terms. Listen to these real women as they share their real stories that provide you real inspiration for your own journey to success. At Moms Making Six Figures, we help guide and mentor women on building and advancing their own businesses. Let us assure you that (1) there is no limit to your earning potential and (2) you can build your business or career at the pace you choose, steadily or rapidly. We are here cheering you on!
Moms Making Six Figures Podcast
Your Real Competition is YOU with Cristina Drake
In this episode I interview Cristina Drake, an incredibly successful realtor, mother, and title holder who,
despite it all, still struggles with the comparison trap and imposter syndrome. In her own journey to
recognize her worth, Cristina inspires others to do the same—to trust in themselves enough to be able
to dream again . Cristina has lived a full life, rich with variety, & all of life’s highs and lows, from starting
over in new cities and leaving a tumultuous relationship behind to embracing the possibility life affords
when challenged by her husband to rise to her potential . Through investment in herself and her
business acumen, Cristina achieved 6-figures, and more importantly invaluable personal growth, that
has led her to want the same for those she holds most dear—her husband and her girls .
Listen to our candid interview, of the power behind a woman with determination and focus, of the
uncomfortable growing pains that come with success, of the need to go all in and to become entirely
obsessed with your “one thing” before adding more to your plate. Cristina reflects on the importance of
your children seeing you work hard for your dreams, and the value in being a working mother . Cristina
will have you laughing one moment and in tears the next, her passion for helping others to achieve the
life they’ve always wanted behind everything she does. This episode will leave you feeling inspired as a
working mother to continue to push through the comparison trap and to leave it behind once and for all
. Tune in and re-focus your Why with this inspiring interview.